Everyone is prisoner of the digital prison

The digital prison is a prison that hardly anyone has heard of. A prison that has no walls, doors, guards, fences, cells, whatever you think the prison should have. This prison is surrounded by a beautiful garden, you have never seen such a prison. The garden has the tree of knowledge, experience, sustainability, development, possibilities, inspiration and much more. If you are in the garden, you have the power to access everything to grow yourself. Now you will think what is wrong with this prison that everyone wants to visit, almost everyone is a prisoner of this prison where you are not physically but mentally incarcerated. The more you begin to explore the prison to better understand it, the more you become a prisoner and the less chance of your freedom. It does not make you feel the pain, but it does cause damage to your life. It has an illusion that makes you feel powerful, ingenious, artistic, etc. or whatever you want to become, but in reality it destroys your creativity, imagination, concentration, mental peace and wants you to follow materialism. People of almost every age, from the day you are born until you die,  are imprison  by this prison, as they begin to explore the more interesting it become, and they begin to caught unconsciously, unaware the fact that they are becoming a puppet of the prison. So just stick to the garden and discover it too, but don't dive deep. I am not saying that the digital world is completely bad, but we should know how to deal with it and how to use it better and in more sustainable way.
